Diving and Hyperbaric Medicine

Diving and Hyperbaric Medicine

in the South Pacific

Diving and Hyperbaric Medicine

Diving and Hyperbaric Medicine

in the South Pacific

Welcome to the South Pacific Underwater Medicine Society (SPUMS).

SPUMS was founded in 1971 and the purposes of the Society have remained unchanged since its inception:

To facilitate the study of all aspects of underwater and hyperbaric medicine, to provide information on underwater and hyperbaric medicine, to publish a journal and to convene members of the Society annually at a scientific conference.

Events and Educational Conferences

SPUMS - Annual Scientific Meeting 2025

UHMS Annual Scientific Meeting 2025

AHDMA Annual Scientific Meeting 2024

BHA Annual Scientific Meeting 2024

EUBS Annual Scientific Meeting 2024


Diving and Hyperbaric Medicine Journal

Diving and Hyperbaric Medicine. The Journal of South Pacific Underwater Medicine Society (Incorporated in Victoria) A0020660B and the European Underwater and Baromedical Society.

The next issue of Diving and Hyperbaric Medicine Volume 54 (2) June is available now via your society login.

Diving and Hyperbaric Medicine is published electronically. To access the journal log in as a Member.

Older issues can be accessed free of charge at the Diving and Hyperbaric Medicine Journal website.

Please enter the email address associated with your User account. Your username will be emailed to the email address on file.

ASMs held since 1971

The first SPUMS Annual Scientific Meeting was held on Heron Island in June of 1972. SPUMS has convened an ASM every year since, traveling to oceanic paradises throughout the Indo-Pacific.


SPUMS Diving Doctors

SPUMS plays a pivotal role in diving safety in Australia as an NGO, advising on State and Federal legislation and is represented on several Australian Standards committees.


SPUMS Members

SPUMS has a membership of aprroximately 408, including physicians working in hyperbaric units, navy diving medical officers, emergency, ear nose throat and respiratory specialists, anaesthetists, psychiatrists, general practitioners.

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