SPUMS Membership President: Chris Acott Past President: Robyn Walker Secretary: Sarah Sharkey Treasurer: Guy Williams Education Officer: Fiona Sharp Public Officer: Vanessa Haller Chairman ANZHMG: David Smart SPUMS ExCom Members: Glen Hawkins, Christine Lee, David Vote Webmaster: Glen Hawkins SPUMS Administrator: Steve Goble SPUMS Journal Year: 2007 Journal of: SPUMS Journal name: Diving and Hyperbaric Medicine Volume no: 37 Significant moments: Mike Davis and Robyn Walker, attend EUBS meeting to discuss merger Journal indexed on: EMBASE Editor: Mike Davis Editorial Assistant: Sarah Webb EUBS Journal: European Journal of Underwater and Hyperbaric Medicine European Editor: Peter Müeller Editorial Board Members: Alf Brubakk SPUMS ASM History ASM Date: 15 - 20 April ASM Country: New Zealand ASM Location and Resort: Tutukaka, Northland Oceans Resort ASM Convener: Mike Davis ASM Theme: From mountain high to ocean deep - the physiological challenges of extreme environments Guest Speakers: Neal Pollock Attendance Full: 59 Attendance Other: 19 Attendance Divers: 78 Back to the History of SPUMS table